
Tsenken B sample
Red Bed Mineralization
Sample showing green copper mineral
Gridded magnetic data Tsenken targets
Map of Peru

Copper Extraction Experiment

This experiment, designed to illustrate the simplicity of copper extraction from sedimentary-hosted mineralization, was recorded at Aurania’s Ecuadorean field office during a visit from Ecuador’s Vice-Minister of Mines, Fernando L. Benalcazar. Aurania’s President Dr. Richard Spencer shows how to go from field rocks to pure copper in a matter of minutes. Ingredients: crushed, copper-bearing sedimentary rock, a bit of sulphuric acid, a couple of nails attached to a flashlight battery with electrical wire and voila, copper extraction pure and simple.
Vice Minister and Gregor Borg

The Opportunity – A Copper Expert’s Opinion

The following was recorded at Aurania’s Ecuadorean field office during a concurrent visit from Ecuador’s Vice-Minister of Mines, Fernando L. Benalcazar and Prof. Gregor Borg, one of the top sedimentary copper experts in the world. The discussion centres on the Vice-Minister’s interest in Aurania’s recent copper discovery from a governmental perspective, and Prof. Borg’s professional, independent opinion on the significance of the company’s copper findings.